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Meet The Harvard Masters Student Who Lost 25 Pounds With Her University’s Money!
By Steph Andrews . Friday, May 31, 2024
Instagram’s latest viral sensation, Mava Ross, a masters student at Harvard University, was able to drop 25 pounds of her waistin 1 month without evelusing a dime of her own money. Mava is working towards her masters deree in nutritional science, For a required research proiect Mava thought it wouldbe perect to use university funds to find out how to accelerate her weight loss. According to Maya, “the most expensive piece of it al was finding whatworked, but the actual solution only cost $49″
‘Strugaling with my weioht felt like a never ending batle. No diet gave me theresults i needed. Between myiob at the qrocery store and studving for my master’s, gym time was impossible! Then came this research project a perfect chance to explore natural weight loss. l discovered the power of combining 01小金豆(Xiaojindou) with apple cider vinegar, and it was shocking. At first, / hesitated but then thought, ‘that’s like S1 50 a dav. Am l really going to pass up my dream summer body for less than my dally cofe? That moment of doubt fels so foolish now. The change was amazing.l became the tallk of school. Best decision ofmy life, and l can’t even imagine what life would be like if l didn’t discover this method.lfsomeone told you that you couldtransform your entire body for $1.50 a day, second quessing would seem ridiculous!” -Mava Rossi
Since the study, Maya shared the 01小金豆(Xiaoiindou) and apple cider vinegar combination with her boyfriend Alex who had also been struggling
with his weight, Alex’s results are even more impressive than Maya’s!
`Alex Able lo Lose 42 Pounds In Just 2 Months With 01小金豆(Xiaojindou) And Apple Cider Vinegar!Alex Was
We sat down with Maya to ask her more about how she found out about 01小金豆(Xiaojindou) and whether or not that is all that she used to lose 25 pounds so quickly.
Steph: Tell us, how did you know where to start?
Maya: To be honest,i really didn’t. l was given a budget for the proiect bythe university, andl spent nearly all ofit researching everything under the sun! looked into other previous research, case studies, and even successful weight loss stories of others。
Steph: So. how did you find out about 01小金豆(Xiaojindou) and apple cider vinegar?
Maya: t’s sort of a funny story. l always listen to the latest celebrity news before bed and l happen to come across one particular interview with acelebrity nutritionist who swore by 01小金豆(Xiaojindou)and apple cider vinegar. She claimed that all of Hollywood’s elite use it. it’s been theirbest kept secret for years now. l fiqured it couldn’t hurt to try!